Owner – Russell V.
Brooklyn, New York City, New York
tell me about the shirt!
There's really nothing too particular about the shirt that makes it standout in terms of its design. In fact, I'm sure those who frequent your blog and all the cool guy shirt enthusiasts out in the world wide web would be quick to scoff at the design. Bah! Humbug! This is that 'classic', I suppose you would call it today, straight edge print. That or chalk one up for the “yet another shirt in the endless barrage that is Floorpunch rips” category. You'll probably spot about five of these a show... minimum. Bold X on breast, 'NEW YORK STRAIGHT EDGE' print on the back. Nothing too fancy or spectacular here, folks. But the simplicity is what counts; the subtlety is really effective and the color choices are quite exquisite (dark blue on white). The shirt, printed by the cheeky playboy Nathaniel M., one afternoon at his college workshop, even bares some flaws, including some tiny particle paint smudges and minor tearing on the left sleeve. Pretty nifty, I must say. Gives it some necessary character that shirts long for.
why is it important to you?
Like I said above, it was printed by my friend Nathaniel, who did this on the whim. It's not some OG vintage or wicked crucial Chain of Strength or Youth of Today design but the fact that my friend took the time to make these is significant, especially when taking in account what straight edge means to me (or us). If I remember, he printed a mere total of four; one for himself and the others for his friends. The one I own is the original, which Nat wore before handing it over to me. Besides myself, one went to Alex G. and another to Brian G., both of the dynamic Staten Island straight edge. This is when Alex was still straight edge but was tethering on breaking, which he did in the coming weeks. Sad moment in edge history, ranking right up there with Mental. Now he sits in his room, clutching an empty bottle of Jack in his left hand and an X-Box 360 controller in his right, longing for company and acceptance. No, but seriously, he's still our boy and only drinks fine imported alcohol. Classy! I don't think Brian ever even wore his because Nat printed the wrong size? I don't remember the exact details. But the only two who ever really wore the shirts were Nathaniel and myself. Strange, huh?
where did you get it?
Whoops! I guess I should've read all the questions collectively before answering them. But to sum up the long paragraph above (TL;DR): the shirt was given to me, as a gift, by my friend.
any story you want to share about it?
Before I got the shirt, Nat was the original owner and was going to hand me another one he printed up (red print as opposed to blue) but because our schedules didn't coincide and Nat being a true poser who doesn't attend shows on the regular (or ever!) he gave me the one with the blue print. I like this one better; the fabric is thinner than the one I was initially slated to receive, which is a huge plus because I can't stand those thick, heavy duty shirts everyone is printing on today (ahem, Gildan). Nat wore the hell out of this shirt, I'll tell ya, and I thank him for that as it's been nicely broken into as a result. I even remember we were all hanging hard one night and were watching a movie but Nat fell asleep all while donning the shirt (tossing and turning is always a sure sign of a shirt being broken into nicely). Thanks for doing all the work, dude! Shout outs to: Lynn, Tee Till Death, 538 Johnson crew, the people who keep outbidding me on the original Swatch X-Rated in the last three years, all the New York/New Jersey moshers (past, present and future) and the straight edge. XXX.
everyone check out his blog! (also in my sidebar of links)
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