well i decided that this summer me and garvey are going to go to every candlepin alley in massachusetts. I love going to new alleys and i figured this is the perfect thing to do. im not a huge fan of driving far to do things, so i figured we would do a part of the state a weekend and stay in weird hotels and try fun food too.
my bowling balls will get a work out this summer! im also im hoping i can improve my average too, im in the low 90s and id like to be in the mid to high 90s.
just thinking about the adventure and taking lots of pictures and reviewing all the alleys is so exciting to me.
the only sad part about it will be the gas prices this summer... in my town its almost at 4 dollars and im so scared to see it for when it actually is about 4 everywhere. hopefully we can find coupons or something for the alleys!
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