sunday me and harry went to the natick mall. we went to felipes after for dinner. i think we play too many scratch tickets. i had to get a lime soda because they were out of pineapple. after that me and julia went out to dessert at finale in coolidge corner! we chatted and had yummy desserts. i had an apple cranberry tart and she got the creme brulee ! finale is awesome because its fancy, but the desserts arnt too expensive. mine was only 8.99! i swear it was way bigger than the last time i got it so i felt like i got even more for my money.
another outfit post?! im on a roll
shirt-macys jacket & purse-fred perry jeans-levis shoes-vans
Tell me about the shirt: Earth Crisis "Destroy The Machines Records Release Design".
Why is it important to you?: A show only design that was printed specifically for the release of Destroy The Machines in 1995 in Syracuse.
Where did you get it?: I got this particular shirt from Patrick Kitzel of Reaper Records. My wife has been good friends with him for years and he gave me the heads up that he was going to sell some stuff to raise money for future Reaper releases. He knew I collected ExC merch so he sold it to me outright instead of going through Ebay.
Any story you want to share about it? Cabal printed this and sold it at the show eventually selling what was left over through their catalog. The print is one color and features the date of the show on the back. You can also see Karl wearing the "Rebel Alliance" Cabal design in the photo on the back
well today i went to the last in line show. it was so cold out, mother nature played a horrible trick on us (its not even april fools yet) then me and pearse went to papa ginos in dorchester for dinner. i got a small black olive pizza. the bubbles are my favorite and this one reminded me of mark (i miss you mark!) its funny because every papa ginos is the same i think. i walked into this one and it was the SAME EXACT inside as the stoughton one, same building and even the same crappy "italian" paintings on the wall. it even has the same old spot where the juke box used to be. pearse got a meatball sub, we were both armed with our papa ginos rewards cards. they are so in demand that every customer except one had one, the one rewards cardless even was saying how she needs to get a rewards card. i had a 5$ credit on mine so i got to put that towards my pizza/soda. SPEAKING OF SODA... this happened after pearse got coke... this doesnt surprise me at the dorchester papa ginos.
well im home now and i ate the rest of my pizza and im watching golden girls on tv. we got a ton of new channels so watching tv is even more of a great experience for me. its only 1030 so im hoping its another early night for me, hopefully my cherry coke doesnt keep me up all night. i even got a refill on my soda!
well its been a long time since ive done an actual outfit post. here ya go
dress-forever21 sweater & socks- target leggings- betsey johnson shoes- nordstrom
me and harry went to target yesterday and he got pants, i impulse bought airheads and some kind of lemon candy. then we went to get bbq i got a smoked potato with chicken inside, fried pickles, and i stole some of harrys chili cheese fries i wish the potato was a little softer, thats my only bad thing to say. i give the food a 9 for that night.
well a few weeks ago me garvey and mike went to larry j's house of q in chelsea. i forgot to do a review on it when we went there so since im going there tonight id figure id do this one. so we drive there and it was fairly easy to get to and its street parking. we parked within a block or two of the place.
here are some pictures of the place
i give the inside/decor a 9. it was really clean and fun looking. and it has the most essential thing..... A PAPER TOWEL ROLL ATTACHED TO THE BOOTH. this is a such an important thing at a messy place and i love when places have it. the wait wasnt too long for our food to come, maybe 10 minutes or so. Larry's wife handled us at the register and he was even there later to chat and walk around.
our food came i wasnt 100% sure what i wanted so i got a few smaller things. i got burnt ends, mac & cheese, and fried pickles. pretty much anywhere that offers fried pickles i need to try them. they are my favorite. i wasnt a huge fan of the burnt ends, they were a little too big for me. the mac and cheese i liked a little better, but it didnt have a ton of flavor. the fried pickles were really good and one of the better ones ive had. overall i give the food a 6.5
mike got a pulled pork sandwich and fries and garvey got a pulled jerk chicken sandwich with fries. they both had the same rating about the food as i did.
tonight me and harry are going there and im going to try something different and give another review. im hoping i pick something i like a lot more.
well tonight will be dedicated to LAUNDRY. my whole room is a complete mess and laundry piles are taking over and slowly creeping up on me. the worst part is that i need to wait for the laundry before mine to be done. it gives me a chance to slowly not care as much then BAM im laying in bed all night watching NCIS. i need to throw stuff away and get rid of stuff (per usual) im so over cluttered. my work is moving a couple buildings over and we are becoming a "professional" office. aka i get paid the same amount to do more work and get screwed over more. what else is new! i also need to buy more "professional" clothes. can someone please find me a new better paying job? or even a better job that pays the same amount.
tonight for dinner i had shrimp cocktail, but i think i ate too many shrimpys. then i had a red velvet cupcake from treat cupcake bar in needham ma excuse me sticking my finger in the frosting before i ate it
it was honestly the BEST red velvet cupcake ive had. the cake itself tasted so good and it was dense. usually a red velvet cupcake has to depend on the cream cheese frosting to taste good. the cream cheese frosting was perfect and not too sweet.
now im laying around watching NCIS.
i need to make a tattoo appointment before marina moves to richmond!
so after throwing up and being nauseous for days i finally went to the doctors. the culprit- DEHYDRATION & a lack of salt in my system.
after being sick i was plagued by this and i need to beat so i can feel human again. my doctor decided that was wrong and of course she was stuck hearing about my paranoia and anxiety for longer than she should have had to like every time i go to the doctors. she gave me a recipe for a weird drink and told me to drink pedialyte... let me tell you... i dont know how that stuff made it past the taste test of a little kid, because its so gross!!! it tastes like overly sweetened juice mixed with pee! im so hungry and worn out, hopefully i get my appetite back soon so i can eat something. also... i went to CVS yesterday and their own brand of pedialyte offers like 10 flavors. there was only 2 flavors of actual pedialyte..... STEP UP YOUR GAME.
i hope this is my last day of missing some work and i cant wait to just be back in general. its really nice out and when i go out to get more pedialyte i think im going to pick up some sunflower butter. ive been reading about it online and im so excited to try it. being allergic to nuts is such a pain in the ass and i hate missing out on peanut butter related things. i think i may become addicted.
im in bed watching the neelys and they are cooking the best looking meal ive seen them make EVER. they are making a BBQ turkey meatloaf, mac and cheese(minus the bacon on top they added), and cupcakes.
let me note: i dont cook and i dont know anything about cooking. i love as seen on tv items and i honestly wish i could buy almost everything ive seen since i was little. i wanted to send my parents checks to wallingford CT and get the most wonderful useless items sent to me for 7.95 shipping and handling.
well im lounging on the couch watching stevie ray vaughan play guitar. its a studio concert special thingy from 83 and its on some rhode island access channel i didnt know existed. its wednesday and ive at least made it through the first half of the week. tomorrow-saturday are going to be busy and hopefully i can stay awake to make it through.
****no real pictures will be taken until my horrible face heals from being sick and blowing my nose***
well im home sick today and im watching tv because i cant sleep. theres a show named Steve Wilkos on TV and its like a mix of jerry springer and maury. i havent been home sick in a long time. This week has been so bad with going to the rheumatologist and finding out whats wrong with me. theres so many blog entries ive wanted to make this week, but ive had no drive to do it.
saturday started off good. i woke up early and played pogo games, i then got ready and went to target to buy s'mores supplies. then saturday got really bad. after having a breakdown i went to garveys. we watched tv and then went to sonic. my favorite used to be the chili cheese coney and then they changed their hot dogs to big not as good kind. they now have 6in ones and i needed to go back. then i got a small fry and a lime slush that actually tastes like lime. we then headed back to garveys and made s'mores. i couldnt find a small enough burner gel for my s'mores maker so the oven had to do (and i wasnt complaining) then we went to mikes and then i dropped them off at the rival schools show. then i headed over to Roxy's gourmet grilled cheese truck. its ran by awesome people and the grilled cheese was good! they even burnt mine for me! i was sad because they ran out of fried pickles by the time i got there. ill have to go earlier next time. it was so big i ate about 75% of it. then i headed home and i fell asleep pretty early again. note it was finally warm yesterday. it was in the low 50s/high 40s and i was so excited. i think its going to be at least 40 this week.
Tell me about the shirt: Arkangel "Prayers Upon Deaf Ears" design on a navy blue XL Screen Stars shirt.
Why is it important to you?: This is one of those shirts that I never thought I would own. It seems like merch from Arkangel is very hard to come by in the first place, so this was a lucky find. I was fortunate enough to score a shirt from a band/release that was one of my favorites from the late 90s and I'm very stoked about it.
Where did you get it?: I found it on Ebay around the summer time of last year. A dude who's name I can't even pronounce sold it to me all the way from Thailand. Sure, I waited weeks and weeks for it to come in the mail, but it was worth it.
Any story you want to share about it? Not really a story to tell about it, but I'll mention that this thing will never leave my closet/collection, haha. One of my favorites in my collection and I will be pitting in Heaven while wearing this thing whenever I die.
For those that care to check out some things: I sing in a 90s rip-off band called Deathbed and you can listen and download our demo here: I also run a hardcore shirt blog called Don't Forget the Shirts:
i just got home from my work dinner at bella's in rockland. john drove bridget, danielle, and i. carpooling was the best idea, gas went up so much :(. i got: 2 shirley temples 2 shrimp with cocktail sauce Shrimp Parmigiana Rendevous shrimps sauteed with marinara or butter, lemon, garlic and fresh herbs then baked with parmesan and mozzarella cheese and an apple crisp w/whipped cream.
i feel like im going to EXPLODE.
im in bed now and im trying to deflate. its supposed to be warm out tomorrow, crossing my fingers that i can wear shorts and tights.