hes in the band outlast!

tell me about the shirt!: Our Turn crewneck. Classic design.
why is it important to you?: OT is one of my favorite bands and it was a gift. Plus, it's just a really crucial design.
where did you get it?: It was a gift from Stephen St. Germain of The First Step.
any story you want to share about it?: Apparently there are only 12 of these in existence and they were made for a few East Coast shows that the band did years ago. Stephen picked it up then as he was friends with the band and I believe TFS was doing the shows with OT. Fast forward to this past year and Stephen had heard that I was a big OT fan and he emailed me saying that he was selling some stuff and asked if I'd be interested. Of course I was and he said that he'd get back to me and we'd work out a price. A little bit later, Stephen was hanging with the fellas in Mindset, On, Get the Most, and Hands Tied on a little weekend they were doing. My band Outlast was playing the NYC show and we were just hanging out between bands and Stephen tossed me the sweatshirt and I said, "Here you go, man." I asked how much he wanted and he said "Don't worry about it. Just hang on to it since there are only 12 of them." I thanked him profusely and that was that.
outlast's myspace
outlast's facebook page
outlast's big cartel page
thanks dave! if you want to be in a tshirt feature email me at littlelynn@gmail.com
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