hes from canada/providence

tell me about the shirt!:
red eagle stop and think shirt. BOSTON STRAIGHT EDGE. this one came after the grey shirt with black ink. possibly my favourite shirt i own. love the gold ink on red shirt colourway. classic schism colours. awesome shirt all around
why is it important to you?:
this shirt is important to me because i love stop and think so much. i never got to see a proper stop and think set since i was not into hardcore when i was 14 back in 2002 :( but i saw them play at planet mental which was good enough for me.
where did you get it?:
as many people know i am a staunch stop and think shirt collector. i have all of the shirts and the shorts minus friends only stuff, i.e the tank top( which i have on the way, shout out to bob shedd for hooking that up) and the gold ink longsleeve ( ronie singh sell me yours!). but back to the point. i got this shirt in a trade with my good friend Jimmie Harvey from Arkansas. Jimmie is an awesome dude who ive traded with or bought stuff from on more than one occasion . dude has some ill shirts. anyways this shirt no longer fit him and he really wanted an XL step forward shirt and my friend jon had one that he never wore so i traded him a record to get that shirt and then traded Jimmie the step forward shirt for this gem. everyone won.
any story you want to share about it?:
not really any cool stories in particular other than me getting emails almost daily from people asking me to buy it and whenever i wear it people always telling me its an awesome shirt.
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