owner- jimmie!
im very excited that he did one for me :)

tell me about the shirt!:
Count Me Out tour shirt from 2002
why is it important to you?:
Permanent is one of my top 5 favorite hardcore records ever , the lyrics are some of the most personal and heartfelt i have ever heard , this record no matter how much i listen to it still gets me excited and i am reminded of how awesome the years 2000 - 2003 was for hardcore , bands like this , AN , Panic , Sworn In ,Horror Show were bringing some new and exciting , how it was ok to talk about loss , people moving on , relationships , and it seems like alot of people nowadays have forgotten these bands i for one think we desperately need more bands like this today instead of the same ole tough guy generic non sense that is flooding hardcore today.
where did you get it?:
i actually got this from a good friend in little rock , i remember seeing Count Me Out in Birmingham in 2002 with Over My Dead Body , they had this shirt but only in XL but at the time i wore mediums and there was no way in hell i could wear an XL fast forward 8 years and XL is the way to go haha
any story you want to share about it?:
here is hoping one day CMO will do a reunion and you can bet i will be there going completely bat shit crazy.