Friday after work i headed into boston to go to the jeff the brotherhood/fucked up show. i was excited to see perry! i also got to hang out with zac which was nice, i dont get to see him a lot.
i stopped by hotel chocolat before the show..MMMMMMMM.

i got salted caramel chocolates & a lemon cheesecake slab. it was so yummy and their white chocolate actually has a lot of cocoa in it. i usually hate white chocolate, but this was lemon flavored so it was edible.
i didnt stay out too late so that was good.
saturday i was up kind of early and went to the mall with my mom

a picture of me! im still alive!
i was lazy around the house all day until i went out to eat with erick that night. we went to the friendly toast and i got veggie sausage and home fries. it started to rain when we left, ICK. im so sick of it being crappy out here, my softball game got rained out on friday.
today me and dan went to the british beer company in framingham. i got the kids size steak tips, i swear next time im going to try something different. we also ate cupcakes and walked around shoppers world.

i got the funniest book ever at barnes & noble.
it was called cake wrecks! heres the blog for the book
it has a bunch of messed up cakes people have ordered. so many misspellings and horrible frosting art. i honestly laughed until my stomach worked
i also got a call tonight from becky. she said how her and mike are getting married and im so happy/excited! im glad so many good things are happening for people lately