I've gone around the country to see Cock Sparrer and by some miracle they are playing in Boston. They are playing on Saturday May 19th and I got my ticket right when they went on sale last Friday. They are playing Philly the day before and normally I would try to go to both days, but I can't miss work that Friday so I have to miss out on the Philly date.
The superbowl of HC is the same day as the Boston Cock Sparrer show and I'm kind of bummed that I'm missing Outburst, but I can't miss Cock Sparrer playing 30 minutes from my house.

I think my favorite time seeing them is when I was in Las Vegas and I got to see them play a small club. It was only a few hundred people and it was so exciting to see them play a smaller stage. The other Las Vegas show was outside and a big stage (almost like a warped tour setting) it was still fun seeing them, but I was so far away. San Francisco was really fun, but I did't get to spend enough time there :(. Austin was the first time I saw them and I almost cried with excitement. Fifth Time will be awesome I'm sure.
June 1st I will be flying to Austin for Chaos in Tejas. The last time I went to this fest was in 09 so I'm excited to be able to go this year! My uncle Charlie was able to help me out with a flight and hotel so I'm so excited that those things are already booked and I don't have to worry about planning it. I only need to book a rental car for Garvey and I, I've been trying to Priceline name my own price on one.
I got my tickets for the Breakdown, Omegas, No Tolerance, Free Spirit, Stick Together show on Friday and Sunday for the Ringworm, The Abused, Cold World, The Rival Mob, The Ropes, Boston Strangler, Power Trip show on Sunday.
I might go to a couple of other shows too, but those are the ones that I know I'm going to.
I can't wait to eat lots of BBQ and adventure around.
I will record outburst for you! I wish I could go to chaos in tejas :(