thursday night me and my mom met up at legacy place. i picked up a key necklace and a rose ring.

this... turned into

shirt- i dont remember where. target maybe?
vest- thrift
shoes- juicy couture
bag- fred perry
necklace- gift!
i got to have some JP licks and i tried a noodle bowl thingy from whole foods. it was salty, so i approve.

friday night it was decided that chick-fil-a needed to happen, so that means a trek to either the burlington mall or north shore mall was happening. The boy that worked at chick-fil-a was the cutest little thing and me and stef just wanted to steal him.

i got 2 sandwiches, a lemon pie slice, and a dr. pepper
after that we went to mikes to bring him chick-fil-a and we hung out there until i was too tired to be awake.

yesterday the trouble was playing two shows in the same day, which i thought was a great idea.... that soon changed. i was really excited though because i got to see all my favorite people! spikes was ate at some point and so was felipes. i was sooo tired throughout the day that i fell asleep at one point and jesse woke me up!

my friend caitlin from florida was visiting for a couple hours so i had to see her! shes in the middle. other caitlin is on the right, but i talk about her all the time haha. it was so nice to see her, i wish she was around for a couple days. i also met kira, and she was very nice.
this was the only picture of my outfit from yesterday so this will just have to do.
dress- target
necklace- claires
bag- fred perry
shoes- juicy couture
its now sunday and im laying in bed after some wacky dreams. hopefully i see caitlin today!