Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fill in the blank (almost)Friday

1. The last thing I ate was: I had wings and rice for dinner tonight

2. The last song I listened to was: N.I.B- Black Sabbath is on my pandora right now

3. Using the letters in my name I can spell: Lynn.... that's it!

4. If I had to dress in one color for the rest of my life I would pick: gray

5. If you were to look in my bag right now you'd find: If you looked in my purse right now you would get a headache. planner, two wallets, medicines, pens, candy, bills, hair elastics, trash, tissues, so much more stuff.

6. When I finish filling in the blanks I'm going to: continue to watch NCIS

7. My all time favorite song to dance to is: I'm trying to think which song makes me dance in the car more than any other, but I cant think of a certain one.

I snagged this from the little things we do


  1. Ugh I have to clean my purse out. It's exploding!

  2. Hi! Clicked on your link from Fill in the Blank Friday!

    My purse will soon look the same, I am sure! It does not take long!

    I love NCIS.. I still need to watch this week's that recorded.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. My purse is destined to be a mess within hours after I clean it so I know EXACTLY what you mean!

    Happy Friday! :)

  4. I love dancing in the car! To any good song, not even one in particular haha!
