back on track.
well im back from my travels. tomorrow i will be back at work and back to my normal routine. i will no longer be spoiled by a vacation and killing time shows. i gained weight on the cruise, i ate so much food. i even got some sunburn spots on me, but they are NOT consistent, so there is so chance of me having a tan after all this. my knees hurt so badly after this week that i almost felt like i forgot hot to walk at some points. its not that im even very tired because ive slept pretty normal the past week, but im so ready to be back in my own bed at night and waking up and seeing my normal stuff.
killing time played no more mr. nice guy at both shows! how excited was i, forget the fact that i actually got to sing a part of the time when they play it. just hearing it makes me excited. it was so nice seeing people in baltimore and whenever im there i wish i lived there, and it would be one of the only places i would move to.
i wish i had some smores to eat while i curl up on the couch. a few weeks ago jeremey and i made smores in his over on the broiler (it worked pretty good!!) . it was probably the best sweet that we've made.
last year naked raygun played a few shows and i was so happy they played boston. me, matt, dave, and diane all got the same shirt.... maybe someday we will all match?
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