Monday, March 29, 2010

im pretty miserable. i just want life to be easy.
death threat is good though.

death threat was really good at united blood this weekend, i really really really want them to play the outburst cover. ill settle for burn though.

i think i want buffalo wild wings everyday, i wish they would make one here sooner.

i dont really have anything postive to say so ill just leave it at that.

everyone check out the six feet under showcase coming up in june.
everyone check out the atlanta youth report zine.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

so can we please rewind to 2005 please? i was a junior in high school and life was pretty much made. i remember buying this wrong side shirt and i was so excited there was pink. who would want white when theres pink?!

so its easter time.... my life spins around easter candy

Saturday, March 20, 2010

thursday night i went to the mall with stef! i tried the new godiva cheesecake truffle and it was awesome. i was in the mood to look at dresses and when we went into stores nothing jumped out. BOO.friday night i spend the whole night in, it sucked.

This is the first rival mob shirt. they had them at this is hardcore last year. i got 2 because i planned to make one into a tank top. IM LAZY. maybe ill trade one someday.

well i really wanted to find someone to resize some of my shirts. im sad caitlin lives far from me now, we used to hang and resize shirts. it bums me out in general that we live far from eachother.
today me and stef decided that we were going to get pizza. it was so nice out today (70!) she picked me up and we went to target. i got the popcorn and soda deal for 1.50! i also got a candy bar, but it melted before i finished it... ick. then we headed over to the mall... again. we are losers hahaha, but stef needed to go back! i got more truffles at godiva. i wish i could own all of the cheesecake ones in the world. ALSO.... the mall was so packed today, like christmas shopping packed... HELLO PEOPLE.... ITS 70 DEGREES OUT... DOOOO SOMETHING BETTER THAN HANG AT THE MALL ALL DAY.
after we headed over to zacks pizza and its my favorite so i was prett
y happy.
after sitting around my house for a while after stef dropped me off my mom decided that we needed food. we went to whole foods in dedham and ate some gross food... ick. then we walked around legacy place. i went into some store named francesca's collections and i fell in love with so many dresses and i ended up buying one. the store was as if threw up on it. it ruled and it was so much cheaper.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Sunday, March 14, 2010

right now im lounging in bed watching tool academy. this show is so horrible, but im so glad there are idiots like this out in the world. someone has to make us generic boring people look awesome.
on Friday night me and my mom got some chinese food and rented the stepfather on demand. it was pretty obvious of what would happen every scene, but the movie still irked me. im not one for scary movies at all. then i stayed up late playing games on
saturday my mom, my cousin sara, her son matty and me went to our cousins baby shower in franklin. it was nice seeing people i havent seen in about 15 years. then i went to jeremeys, we went to smokey bones.

So i was thinking about getting a netflix subscription, and just renting a ton of tv shows.

so my friend stan sent me this raw deal shirt ( i didnt have it in red) he rules so much! everyone check out the atlanta youth report zine.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

ive been in a horrible mood and not wanting to update this. at least tomorrow will be friday, i dont have any plans.
today me and my mom had to go to toys r us, there was a marshmallow maker i wanted so badly.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

back on track.

well im back from my travels. tomorrow i will be back at work and back to my normal routine. i will no longer be spoiled by a vacation and killing time shows. i gained weight on the cruise, i ate so much food. i even got some sunburn spots on me, but they are NOT consistent, so there is so chance of me having a tan after all this. my knees hurt so badly after this week that i almost felt like i forgot hot to walk at some points. its not that im even very tired because ive slept pretty normal the past week, but im so ready to be back in my own bed at night and waking up and seeing my normal stuff.
killing time played no more mr. nice guy at both shows! how excited was i, forget the fact that i actually got to sing a part of the time when they play it. just hearing it makes me excited. it was so nice seeing people in baltimore and whenever im there i wish i lived there, and it would be one of the only places i would move to.
i wish i had some smores to eat while i curl up on the couch. a few weeks ago jeremey and i made smores in his over on the broiler (it worked pretty good!!) . it was probably the best sweet that we've made.
last year naked raygun played a few shows and i was so happy they played boston. me, matt, dave, and diane all got the same shirt.... maybe someday we will all match?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

well im sitting here in bed waiting to start a long day. im unsure of when to call my aunt not knowing if its "too early" im going to baltimore today to see killing time.
my vacation this week had its ups and downs and im pretty glad to be back in my own crappy bed.
i got half sunburned, which usually never happens to me. im pretty neutral to the sun. but maybe thats why i only got burned of HALF of everything. like half of my leg, half of my arm... IT SUCKS. it looks like its going to be a pretty nice day out today, so im hoping baltimore is even nicer.
i dont even know what shirt im going to be wearing yet, oh well