Its another rainy day over here and it was pouring out. I had a lot I had to get done today though. After I got home from work and the bank I had to go to a few stores so my mom tagged along. Michaels, The christmas tree shop, and target all tempted me with halloween treats while I was trying to get my stuff done and of course I gave in.
I Loooove rainy days- especially rainy Autumn days! Tennessee is the closest to the northeast where I've ever spent a Fall - not exactly close, but I'm just dying to visit Massachusetts or New Englang or Maine or anywhere up there for Fall one year.
ReplyDeleteTarget gets me every.single.time. I have about half a dozen posts of yours saved in my reader to comment on - I don't want you to think I'm an ax murderer so I've been reluctant to post all at once :)
Hope your week mellows out!
i love that picture! rainy days are great for getting a tone done!
so much rain! At least today was nice