well about a week after my nutritionist appointment i finally went out and got the pills & vitamins i needed. it cost way too much money , but at least they had a big enough pill holder for all of the stuff i need to take.

thats pretty much all ive done today, but hey.... it was something.
this past sunday me and garvey decided we were going to hang out and bake a cake.
i get to his place and we decide that we were hungry so we go to jordans furniture and go to fuddruckers.
of course i get sucked in by the excitement of the BEAN TOWN stuff. the world of jelly belly. ive posted pictures here before of the last time we went, but i didnt see this last time!

jelly belly taxi!!
shirt- rival mob
shorts- levis
bag- fred perry
so after we get back to garveys we tried making our cake "pretty purple" but since the mix was yellow it was more of a "mauve"

i think all the food coloring made it very moist
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