The regular softball season has ended and playoffs are coming up, hopefully we can pull out a first place win for the season, last year we came in third. The two first place teams from last year were bumped up to the A division though, because they shouldn't have been in ours.
A couple of weekends ago I got tattooed by Josh Stephens, he was doing a guest spot at Mooncusser tattoo in Ptown and I decided to make the trek out there to get something.
How lazy am I? I haven't even taken my own picture of it, so I just stole this from Josh's Instagram, well now you know his name and can follow him.

It was also my birthday on the 27th, I didn't do much though. I made sure to get my free burger from Red Robin though.
Okay so................
tomorrow is the end of a contest that I'm entered in. I want to win a Lovesac chair and heres how you can help.
- On the Lovesac facebook page there is this picture :

-go to the comments of this picture
-click previous comments to get to the top
-my comment is the 8th comment down from the top (Lynn Karamanian)
-you simply just need to "like" my comment
thats it!