yesterday i went into work for a couple hours to try to get some stuff done. ick.
later on i went into the city to mickeys. i got to hang with ryan, ryan, and mickey. it was great. went to a couple of bars. really long night and got home at 330ish.
today me and ryan met up and went to newbury comics. walked around the mall for a bit then we parted ways and he went back to nj land.
im sitting at home and its sunday so i wont do anything for the rest of the day.

so i wore this afi tank top for PJs last night. i remember begging my mom to buy me this when i was in middle school. i think i was in 7th grade so i was 12. i was so excited when my mom finally got me it. its funny because i wasnt even allowed to wear it to school, because you couldnt wear tank tops to middle school. it has bleach and pink hair dye stains on the back from when i used to dye my hair in middle school. oh those were the days.